This unit consists of 10  activities. The exemplary sequence of activities, in which all activities are used, is given in the table below.

File ID Activity Name Inquiry Type E-emphasis
iv.1 Capturing students' interests Interactive discussion Engagement
iv.2 Exploring the science behind cosmetic creams Structured inquiry Exploration
iv.3 Exploring the ingredients of and their role in cosmetic creams Structured inquiry Exploration/Explanation
iv.4 Analysis of the cosmetic cream Interactive demonstration/ Guided inquiry Exploration
iv.5 Preparations for making an emulsion cream Guided/structured inquiry Elaboration/Extension
iv.6 Experiment: making the product Guided inquiry Exploration
iv.7 Estimating the suitability of the self-made product

Version A: structured inquiry

Version B: open inquiry

iv.8 Presenting the product Interactive demonstration/discussion Evaluation
iv.9 Decision-making Argumentation and reasoning Evaluation/Extension
iv.10 Exploring careers related to the cosmetics industry Guided inquiry Exploration