The following activities have been selected as examples for research & design projects.  For other project-focused activities selected from the ESTABLISH units please refer to the List of unit activities


Human speech analysis (unit: Sound, Activity 3.4 & 3.5)

Measuring insulation properties of different materials (unit: Designing a Low Energy Home, Activity 2.2)  

Testing & Presenting the product (unit: Cosmetics, Activity 1.7 & 1.8)

Is it possible to produce artificial blood? (unit: Blood Donation, Activity 1.12)

Designing a wind turbine (unit: Renewable Energies, Activity 1.1)

Cooking with the heat of the sun (unit: Renewable Energies, Activity 1.4)

Designing the model of a space station (unit: Photosynthesis, Activity 1.6)

Take fingerprints from an object (unit: Forensic Science, Activity 1.4)

Radiation protection (unit: Medical Imaging, Activity 3.5)

Plant extracts and antibiotics (unit: Eco biology, Activity 1.5)