To engage teachers in making a word-cloud, and later of this a mind map, and at the same time let them think about what is IBSE for them and for the other participants.
Learning Outcomes:
- Encourage reflection on teaching practices (such as working with inquiry or investigative working methods)
- Provide direct experience of inquiry
- Show the benefits of learning by inquiry
Suggested format:
Generate a word cloud individually or in small group using a flipchart and then through group discussion generate the mindmap.
Mention key-words or small phrases which you associate with Inquiry-based science education.
Begin to generate the word cloud by listing out keywords about IBSE on a flipchart until you can think on no new words.
Then consider how these words can be linked together to make a mindmap.
- This activity leads to a lively group discussion.
- The mindmap was not done by everyone, but the teachers that made one told that it had helped them sharpen their thoughts on IBSE, and what they could use in their own teaching.
In the workshops, this task is concluded with a group discussion, whereas your comments online