Learning Aims:

This activity is to introduce students to the historical developments of different fibres.

  • Books or other resources, internet

  • exemplary material Activity 3.2
Suggestions for use:
  • Research activity in which students can gather information on the developments of different fibres
  • Can be done in group work
  • Students can present their findings to each other
  • Activity can be done with or without going into chemical details, depending on focus, time and knowledge of students
  • Providing an opportunity for incorporating ICT: students can be shown historical movies or video clips on how fibres/fabrics were made historically; or research aspects for example about the historical development of a certain product can be included (industry websites)
Source for exemplary material:

P.-A. Koch(2008). Faserstoff-Tabellen; IN Koslowski, Hans-J. (Hrsg). Chemiefaser-Lexikon: Begriffe - Zahlen – Handelsnamen. 12., erweiterte Aufl. Frankfurt am Main: Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH.