This subunit consists of 5 activities. The order and flow of activities are presented below. The activities are created in this way that they offer a complete learning cycle.

File ID Activity Name Inquiry Type E-emphasis
XVi.2.1 X the unknown Guided discovery 1. Engagement
2. Exploration
3. Explanation
4. Elaboration/
XVi.2.2 Interaction with matter Bounded inquiry
Guided inquiry
1. Engagement
2. Exploration
3. Explanation
4. Elaboration/
XVi.2.3 X-ray medical machine Guided discovery 1. Engagement/Exploration
2. Explanation
3. Elaboration/
XVi.2.4 CT scans Guided inquiry 1. Engagement
2. Exploration
3. Explanation
4. Elaboration
5. Evaluation
XVi.2.5 Are X-rays bad for you? Open inquiry Elaboration/Evaluation