- The students have to prepare a penal discussion to answer the given question. They will figure out that fossil fuels run out in future, so that the focus lies on renewable energies. During the preparation phase they should find several renewable energy sources. To answer the question they will survey properties, advantages and disadvantages of several energy sources and compare them. The survey can be in any form that guides to the aim: finding an answer.
- knowledge: renewable energy sources; energy conversion; functional principles of several energy converters; energy transport
inquiry: observation; description; hypothesise and prove of hypothesis; systematize; planning, conduction and evaluation of experiments; generalizations; usage of models and analogies; comparison communication: online research; literature research; lab notes; schemes; manuals; group discussion; penal discussion; tables; diagrams; formula appraisal: critical dealing with views of lobby groups, appraisal of accuracy of measurements
- laptops, internet, crafting material, writing material, a choice of experiments and related equipment, tools, ICT…
- Recommended experimental kits and manuals:
- To carry out the topic and raise students awareness could use:
- Science journal articles
- Book chapters (e.g. Jorgen Randers (2012). 2052 – A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years; Donella H. Meadows (1972). The Limits to Growth)
- Movie chapters (e.g. An Inconvenient Truth, by Al Gore)
- TV report
- The recommended activities show possible experiments that could be suggested by the students or used as mandatory activities
- Link to industry (see ICK description)
- Teaching method: inquiry learning (see IBSE description)
- Quantity of energy
- Efficiency of energy source
- Cost-benefit considerations
- Environmental compatibility
- Social acceptance
- Regional/local energy independence (island system)
- Wide field of application